Sunday, November 29, 2009

Okay - here we go!


So, this is the beginning. And I have to admit: I am very curious what will happen next.

The idea is that we can create a social network with a purpose -- where it is possible to connect in a meaningful way, make the world a better place, and have fun doing it.

I wonder if it will work?

My guess is that there are lots of people who want to connect with their friends and family in a way that goes beyond citing what they had for breakfast or throwing virtual snowballs at each other. Well, sure -- there will always be a place for throwing virtual snowballs. That's part of the fun of being online and connected.

But can't there also be a place where you can share in the dreams and hopes and actions of your family and friends? Where you can make new friends around a shared hope for the world -- and all work together to make it happen? Wouldn't that be fun, too? In fact -- wouldn't that be more fun?

Some of the best parts about what we're experimenting with here is that it is not only built for adults, but also for kids, as well as for organizations large and small. Everyone and anyone can make themselves at home, make the site be what they want it to be, and make the world the better for it.

The experiment, of course, is earthbongo.

And our little nonprofit in charge of it is Adhocracy Online.

The idea is that we can empower ad hoc groups to change the world.

It's a leap of faith, to be sure. But I can't wait to see what happens. Please join us, and let us know what you think! We'd love to hear from you.

Good luck, and have fun!

-- Barry

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